Our Commitment

At African Trackers, we recognize the imperative of sustainable development in our sector. We are firmly committed to integrating responsible practices that respect the environment, society, and the economy in all our operations. Our mission is to promote sustainable tourism in South Africa while preserving its natural, cultural, and economic resources for future generations.

Our main objectives are as follows:


  1. Nature and Biodiversity Conservation:
    • We carefully select environmentally-friendly routes and destinations, emphasising the preservation of local ecosystems.
    • We promote ecotourism activities that allow visitors to appreciate wildllife and flora while minimising disruptions.
  1. Awareness and Education:
    • We inform our clients about the importance of conservation, respecting ecosystems and protecting biodiversity.
    • We integrate educational elements into our tours to raise travellers’ awareness of local culture, wildlife and environmental issues.
  1. Reducing Environmental Impact:
    • We are committed to minimising the carbon footprint of our activities by prioritising low-carbon transportation modes and offsetting our emissions.
    • We encourage waste reduction by promoting the use of reusable products and implementing responsible waste management practices.
  1. Supporting Local Communities:
    • We foster partnerships with local businesses and communities to ensure positive economic impacts.
    • We contribute to the development of community, educational, and social projects in the regions we visit.
  1. Promoting the Local Economy:
    • We encourage our clients to buy local products and support local economic initiatives.
    • We integrate authentic cultural experiences to highlight local craftmanship and artistic talents.
  1. Respecting Cultures and Traditions:
    • We raise our clients’ awareness about respecting local customs and traditions.
    • We encourage positive and enriching cultural interactions between our clients and local communities.
  1. Staff Training:
    • We train our staff on the principles of sustainable tourism and best practices in sustainable development.
    • We encourage ongoing awareness and a deep understanding of sustainable development issues.

Communication and Transparency: We commit to communicating transparently about our sustainable development initiatives, progress and results. We will provide relevant information to our clients, partners and collaborators, encouraging them to participate in our conservation and sustainable development efforts.

Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: We will regularly assess our performance in sustainable development, setting ambitious goals and adjusting our practices based on the best available solutions. We will constantly seek to innovate and inspire our partners and the tourism community to adopt sustainable practices.